share your story, pictures

and videos with us!

Did you take a selfie with a real life Superhero?

Enjoyed one of our Hero Packs or activity boxes?

Had fun at one of our parties?

We want to hear from you!

you inspire us!

Your story, pictures and videos help Holiday Heroes reach more families and inspire others to support the important work of our organization.

This is YOUR story – tell it in a paragraph or share a single story.

 Write from your heart.

Please email your stories, pictures and videos to

with CONTENT SUBMISSION in the subject line.

We ask that you include a patient first name or family last name, age

and which hospital you were at.

Anonymous submissions are welcome as well!

Don't forget to tag us in your pictures/videos on our social media accounts!

Thank you for sharing!

Please note that by sharing your photos with Holiday Heroes, you are permitting us to use them for any purpose and in all media formats, including but not limited to posting the photos on our website or other media platforms.

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